
„fruit, seeds“: Sedra Hamami

Artist: Sedra Hamami

Artwork: „18“, „Untitled“



‫I don’t know what’s wrong with me..

I am afflicted with the curse of coldness and lack of interest, angry calm or perhaps quiet depression, a contradictory feeling… a deep sadness prevails in my heart, I just want to sleep! Very scattered thinking, no calm in my world, a severe headache tearing apart the cells in my head, I get angry quickly, I get sad quickly, a hard heart and an indifferent mind, I run away from everyone who approaches and search for a way to leave this world or perhaps change it! I look at myself, and a painful, lonely story appears before me, containing no words or letters! Rather, it speaks with the sound of colors, shapes, and even lines, but tell me..

How do I go through it when all the colors of life are reduced to black in my eyes?


My soul is back..

She was stuck in the middle again, between being uprooted from my body and remaining holding on to the last lifeline.

Everything came back to me

Except myself



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

curated by: Tonica Hunter

“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.
AVALON is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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Fremde werden Freunde„fruit, seeds“: Sedra Hamami

„fruit, seeds“: Natalia Polanska & Yuliana Pineda

Artists: Natalia Polanska & Yuliana Pineda

Artwork: “There is no rainbow without the rain” 

About the work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKkb-zTau50 

Yuliana Pineda:  “This artwork portrays how life might turn a little withered when flying away from home: The storm comes and shakes everything around, but as it clears off, the rainbow emerges, the flowers grow, and the forest exudes its magic”

Natalia Polanska: “Hi my name is Natalia. I was born in Bratislava, Slovakia but after I finished secondary school of art at the age of 18 I moved to London. I’ve lived there for 15 years and absolutely loved it. It’s an amazing diverse city full of colours, Interesting people, art and different art exhibitions, parties and workshops. I love art because it gives you a chance to express yourself and be free. Freedom was always so important to me. I am so glad I can be part of this exciting project mostly because it is such a diverse group of beautiful people. I believe we should be supporting one another and lifting each other up. Through art people connect together. It is a powerful tool because it allows us to express our feelings and thoughts.”



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

curated by: Tonica Hunter

“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.

AVALON is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Fremde werden Freunde„fruit, seeds“: Natalia Polanska & Yuliana Pineda

„fruit, seeds“: Moses Omeogo

Artist: Moses Omeogo

Artwork: “Echiche”

Echiche, the native Igbo word for reflections, is a work about the self.

Moses Omeogo examines how society and individuals have imposed various narratives on him and the afro-german diaspora. Using his biography as a core element, he weaves together his own thoughts about identity and belonging, together with the memories the encounters with other members of the diaspora.
Echiche is the artist’s journey of rediscovery and empowerment.

For more information visit: www.mosesomeogo.com , instagram: moses_og



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

curated by: Tonica Hunter

“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.

AVALON is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Fremde werden Freunde„fruit, seeds“: Moses Omeogo

„fruit, seeds“: Banan Sakbani

Artist: Banan Sakbani

Artwork: „Flucht der Wörter“

Diese bezaubernde Gitarre entstammt ursprünglichen den Gassen der alten Innenstadt Damaskus. Durch Stürme des Krieges und der Flucht trotzte sie tapfer dem Unheil. Über weite Meere und grenzenlose Himmel hinweg hat sie ihre Reise angetreten, bis sie schließlich hier in diesem Raum gelandet ist. Mit einer bemerkenswerten Vielseitigkeit beherrscht sie verschiedenste Sprachen und Musiktöne, und erfüllt die Luft mit einem klangvollen, multikulturellen Reichtum.

Banan Sakbani wählte diese Gitarre als treue Begleiterin auf ihrer Flucht, und für sie symbolisiert sie die ganze Geschichte ihres Überlebenskampfes. In ihrem ersten Buch ‚Meine Flucht und ihre Begleiterinnen‘ widmete sie diesem Instrument eine Kurzgeschichte von tiefer Bedeutung, unter dem Titel ‚Meine erste Gitarre‘.“

Mehr über das Buch finden Sie hier: https://www.thalia.at/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1069591036



„This captivating guitar comes from the narrow streets of the historic old city of Damascus. Despite facing the challenges of war and displacement, it has remained resilient. Across vast seas and boundless skies, it embarked on its journey until finally landing here in this room. With remarkable versatility, it commands various languages and musical tones, filling the air with a melodious, multicultural richness.“ 

„Banan Sakbani chose this guitar as a faithful companion on her journey, and for her, it symbolizes the entire narrative of her struggle for survival. In her first book, ‚My Flight and Its Companions,‘ she dedicated a poignant short story to this instrument, titled ‚My First Guitar‘.“

Find out more about the book here: https://www.thalia.at/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1069591036



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

curated by: Tonica Hunter

“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.

AVALON is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Fremde werden Freunde„fruit, seeds“: Banan Sakbani

„fruit, seeds“: Banan Sakbani

Artist: Banan Sakbani

Artwork: „Flucht der Wörter“


Diese bezaubernde Gitarre entstammt ursprünglichen den Gassen der alten Innenstadt Damaskus. Durch Stürme des Krieges und der Flucht trotzte sie tapfer dem Unheil. Über weite Meere und grenzenlose Himmel hinweg hat sie ihre Reise angetreten, bis sie schließlich hier in diesem Raum gelandet ist. Mit einer bemerkenswerten Vielseitigkeit beherrscht sie verschiedenste Sprachen und Musiktöne, und erfüllt die Luft mit einem klangvollen, multikulturellen Reichtum.

Banan Sakbani wählte diese Gitarre als treue Begleiterin auf ihrer Flucht, und für sie symbolisiert sie die ganze Geschichte ihres Überlebenskampfes. In ihrem ersten Buch ‚Meine Flucht und ihre Begleiterinnen‘ widmete sie diesem Instrument eine Kurzgeschichte von tiefer Bedeutung, unter dem Titel ‚Meine erste Gitarre‘.“

Mehr über das Buch finden Sie hier: https://www.thalia.at/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1069591036



„This captivating guitar comes from the narrow streets of the historic old city of Damascus. Despite facing the challenges of war and displacement, it has remained resilient. Across vast seas and boundless skies, it embarked on its journey until finally landing here in this room. With remarkable versatility, it commands various languages and musical tones, filling the air with a melodious, multicultural richness.“ 

„Banan Sakbani chose this guitar as a faithful companion on her journey, and for her, it symbolizes the entire narrative of her struggle for survival. In her first book, ‚My Flight and Its Companions,‘ she dedicated a poignant short story to this instrument, titled ‚My First Guitar‘.“

Find out more about the book here: https://www.thalia.at/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1069591036



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

curated by: Tonica Hunter

“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.

AVALON is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Fremde werden Freunde„fruit, seeds“: Banan Sakbani

„fruit, seeds“: Aljeen Hasan

Artist: Aljeen Hasan

Artwork: „Box der Erinnerungen (2012- 2024)“

Herkunft: Kobane/Syrien

Das ist keine leere Box, auch wenn sie so aussieht. Diese Box trägt Erinnerungen, Momente der Freude und Sehnsucht in sich. Trägt Tränen und Wünsche, meine Kindheit und Jugend. Sie birgt Krieg, aber auch Hoffnung Und erzählt stumme Geschichten.

Wenn Sie jedoch diese Geschichte aus meinem Buch  lesen möchten, klicken Sie auf den Link: https://www.thalia.at/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1069506532



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

curated by: Tonica Hunter

“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.


AVALON is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Fremde werden Freunde„fruit, seeds“: Aljeen Hasan