#Miteinander Blog

Opening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung

Opening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung „fruits, seeds“. Wir können es noch gar nicht glauben, aber am 18. April eröffnen wir unsere erste Kunstausstellung im Volkskundemuseum Wien. Die Künstler:innen aus unserem Mentoringprogramm, das wir im Rahmen unseres Erasmus+ Projekts Avalon durchführen, stellen ihre Werke aus. Die Ausstellung läuft von 18. April bis 3. Mai 2024. Die Ausstellung wird kuratiert von Tonica Hunter

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Opening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung

Opening: 18. April 18 Uhr

Volkskundemuseum Wien, Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

exhibition opening „fruit, seeds“ – 18th April – entrance Hofeingang

18:00 doors open

opening speeches by Fremde werden Freunde, curator Tonica Hunter, Herbert Justnik (VKM)

Documentary Screening – Avalon Mentoring Project – filmed and edited by Stefan Panfili @stefanpanfili

19:30 performance by Aljeen Hasan & Banan Sakbani „Flucht der Wörter“

20:30 After party with sets by Shi Yin @cncncncncncn  und @luna.almousli

Sideevent: 24.4. Mehmooni

Javaneh Verein: @javaneh.verein veranstaltet “Mehmooni”
24.4. | 18:00 – Hofeingang (Durchgangszimmer)
Round Table (Tee Gespräch) and performances by Avin and Ermia + Catering (Afghanisches Essen)

Sideevent 3.5. „Reclaiming Representations“

mit Tayla Myree – @tayla.myree

3.5. | 18:00 – Room 8
Tour of „In Your Archives“ and workshop
Reclaiming Representations invites Black and People of Color to reimagine caricatured representations in Austria and greater Europe via a small tour of the work In Your Archives followed by a discussion and workshop on how to reimagine representations not only in material culture but generally in the Austrian/European context. The total time for the event should be 2 hours. The goal of the workshops are to build community with people of color in the Vienna, to imagine how these representations have been challenged and how this work can be continued.
Event open to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) only.

Ausstellung: 19. April bis 3. Mai. 10-17 Uhr. Mehr Info & Öffnungszeiten hier: Volkskundemuseum Wien


„fruit, seeds“

„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

“Seed to tree, Tree to forest,
Rain to river, Need to feed,
Creature to teacher,
Teacher to student,
Student to caretaker”
(Extract from Octavia Butler’s “Parable of the Sower”, 1993)

Artists:Y uliana Pineda, Ariella Bowen, Sedra Hamami, Merit Hanna, Aljeen Hasan, Katherine Duque Leon, Alba Hurtado, Tayla Myree, Moses Omeogo, Banan Sakbani, Ami Siregar, Esmail Sultani

Mentors:  Luna Al-Mousli, Francesca Badea, Olga Belaya, Tonica Hunter, Luciana Matuk, Farila Neshat, Kateryna Orlova-Guzova, Barbara Pacholik, Poonam Krishna Pawar, Natália Polanská

curated by: Tonica Hunter


“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

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Fremde werden FreundeOpening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung