Es ist uns eine Ehre, euch unseren nächsten Mentor vorzustellen…
Hamed Abboud born 1987 in Deir al-Zor in Syria; while living in Aleppo he studied Telecommunications Science. He spent his childhood partly in Algeria until civil war forced his familiy to move back to Syria.
At the end of 2012 Hamed Abboud fled from his home country and made his way via Egypt, Dubai and Turkey to Austria, where he arrived by the end of 2014.
In Syria and in the Middle East he has been publishing in newspapers and magazines since 2005; in 2012 his first volume of poetry was re- leased: Der Regen der ersten Wolke / The first cloud’s rain (Verlag Arwad Publishers International Inc.).
In 2017 the Swiss publishing house pudelundpischer edited a wonderful bilingual sample of texts in Arabian (translated by Larissa Bender) and German: Der Tod backt einen Geburtstagskuchen / Death is baking a birthdaycake, followed by the children’s book Der Ritter der Schlüssel / Knight of the keys (translation by Kerstin Wilsch, Baobab Verlag 2018); the Austrian publishing house Edition Korre- spondenzen 2020 released In meinem Bart versteckte Geschichten / Stories hidden in my beard (translated by Larissa Bender and Kerstin Wilsch). And in 2023 released his first German original book “Meine vielen Väter/ my many Fathers”.
Hamed Abboud currently lives in Vienna.
Insta: Hamed Abboud (@hamed.abboud)
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Um junge Künstler:innen mit Flucht- und Migrationsbiografie zu unterstützen, startet AVALON, das Mentoring-Programm für angehende Künstler:innen.
Avalon ist ein Erasmus+ Projekt, das Fremde werden Freunde gemeinsam mit dem Bratislava Policy Institute durchführt.
AVALON is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.