#Miteinander Blog

„fruit, seeds“: Aljeen Hasan

Artist: Aljeen Hasan

Artwork: „Box der Erinnerungen (2012- 2024)“

Herkunft: Kobane/Syrien

Das ist keine leere Box, auch wenn sie so aussieht. Diese Box trägt Erinnerungen, Momente der Freude und Sehnsucht in sich. Trägt Tränen und Wünsche, meine Kindheit und Jugend. Sie birgt Krieg, aber auch Hoffnung Und erzählt stumme Geschichten.

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„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

curated by: Tonica Hunter

“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.

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Fremde werden Freunde„fruit, seeds“: Aljeen Hasan