#Miteinander Blog

Inclusive Minds – About the Project

„Inclusive Minds: Migrant Women’s Mental Health“ is an initiative supported by the Erasmus+ Programme, aimed at enriching the lives of migrant women aged 40 to 60 across Europe. Through creative tools like board games and by organizing workshops and community events, the initiative seeks to improve mental health and foster connections, building bridges of understanding and inclusion.


 Migrant women, particularly those who are middle-aged or older, face significant challenges upon arriving in Europe. These challenges include limited language proficiency, weaker social networks, and heavy childcare and family responsibilities. They often struggle with communication, social integration, and the overwhelming demands of their new environment. Despite often having experienced trauma, their well-being is frequently overlooked, making mental health support essential for their inclusion. Addressing these needs through accessible and informal means is crucial for their successful integration into European society.



 The project aims to make a real difference in the lives of migrant women by addressing the social, cultural, and psychological factors that contribute to their well-being. Through interactive, innovative, and inclusive approaches, the project strives to empower women, promote social inclusion, and foster a sense of belonging within their new communities. This is not just a project but a commitment to improving these women’s lives and positively impacting European society.

🎯 Enhance Well-being: Improving mental health services and support for migrant women.

🤝 Promote Social Inclusion: Facilitating integration and acceptance within new communities.

🗣️ Facilitate Exchanges: Encouraging meaningful dialogues between migrant and local women.

📢 Inform Stakeholders: Raising awareness among service providers and the public about the importance of inclusion and mental health.


Empowering Through Engagement

 One of our key activities is the creation of an interactive board game. These interactive tools and activities, such as the board game, are designed to promote learning about personal well-being and coping strategies in a fun and engaging way. The local learning and gaming events are expected to support the target group in re-entering society, exchanging on an intercultural level, and taking care of their mental health. These events bring together migrant and local women for cultural exchange and mutual learning.


Target Group

 The project primarily targets migrant women aged 40 to 60 from third countries seeking homes in Europe. While there are no geographical restrictions, there is a particular emphasis on engaging with the Arab community due to established networks. However, women from other regions, such as Iran, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and beyond, are equally welcomed. This demographic, mainly middle-aged and older migrant women, is often challenging to reach, making it difficult for policymakers and service providers to address their needs effectively. These women often face significant barriers, including language and communication challenges, fear and mistrust of service providers, and experiences of discrimination based on age, gender, and migration history.


The project is implemented by Fremde werden Freunde (Austria), Internationella Kvinnoföreningen (Sweden), and Dracon Rules Design Studio (Greece).



 Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Co-funded by the EU

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Fremde werden FreundeInclusive Minds – About the Project

The Consortium behind „Inclusive Minds“

The Consortium behind „Inclusive Minds“


The partnership was formed based on the mutual aims of all organizations to foster the participation of vulnerable groups in European society and to promote their positive impact on the majority of society. They follow innovative approaches and methods to achieve these aims and create inventive learning opportunities. The partners share similar goals and a common vision, but their different approaches and activities led to the formation of this partnership.

The three partners have diverse geographic and cultural backgrounds, along with complementary skills in fields such as the inclusion of migrants and refugees, women’s empowerment, intercultural communication, equality, and education through unconventional tools like board game-based learning. By joining forces, each partner brings its expertise and experience, creating benefits for all organizations involved and their respective target groups.


Fremde werden Freunde

Fremde werden Freunde, based in Vienna, Austria, coordinates the project. Its strength lies in its direct access to vulnerable groups and its flexible, innovative, and evidence-based practices. The organization follows an approach of inclusiveness and diversity in all projects, bridging social inclusion, migration and integration policies, mental well-being, and interculturalism in both theory and practice. Additionally, its strength lies in the diversity within the team, which enables direct access to various communities. Team members speak multiple languages spoken by the target groups, and the extensive pool of volunteers, ranging from teachers, coaches, and artists, further enhances capacities and knowledge. With deep roots in community work, Fremde werden Freunde ensures that every strategy and action taken resonates with empathy, aiming to turn the unfamiliar into the familiar, and strangers into friends.


Internationella Kvinnoföreningen

Internationella Kvinnoföreningen, based in Malmö, Sweden, has extensive expertise in promoting the inclusion and empowerment of migrant women and experience in working with individuals from various backgrounds. The organization utilizes a variety of effective tools and projects specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of each group. It has served as a meeting place and platform for equality, democracy, and social inclusion of foreign-born women in the Öresund region since 1970. IKF’s strengths, in addition to its long experience of working with the inclusion of foreign-born women in Swedish society and the diversity and competencies within the team, are its operational breadth and ability to work with individuals with different needs. They employ different tools and projects that are adapted to each target group.


Dracon Rules Design Studio

Dracon Rules Design Studio, based in Karditsa, Greece, brings creativity to the forefront of social change. Specializing in game design, they employ the universal appeal of play to foster understanding and empathy. The games they create are not just for entertainment; they are tools designed to reflect and navigate the complexities faced by migrant women, allowing players to step into their shoes and view the world through a lens of compassion and complexity.



Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Co-funded by the EU

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Fremde werden FreundeThe Consortium behind „Inclusive Minds“

What are the women’s needs?

What are the women’s needs? Migrant women, particularly those who are middle-aged or older, often face numerous challenges when they arrive in Europe. They experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination rooted in racism, sexism, and other systems of inequality.

“As an immigrant woman, you are faced with a series of difficulties and setbacks, not to mention devaluation in society, and not least in workplaces. It takes a lot of patience and effort to be accepted as an equal.” (Foreign-born woman from Albania, Sweden)

Need assessment

To thoroughly understand the needs of migrant women and enhance their well-being, we conducted an extensive needs assessment in both Sweden and Austria. This process involved conducting a minimum of eight semi-structured interviews in each country. Semi-structured interviews provided the flexibility needed to explore individual experiences and perspectives in depth. The interview guide was developed with a participatory and inclusive approach, including members of the target group. This was aimed at being culturally sensitive and ensuring that no important information was missed.

Within the project, the WHO definition of mental health was used, understanding mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.” It encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how people think, feel, and act.

What are the women’s needs? – Findings

The perception of mental health among migrant women in Europe often extends beyond the World Health Organization’s standard definition, encompassing broader dimensions such as stress management, cultural adaptation, and overall well-being. For these women, mental health is intricately linked to their ability to integrate into their new environments while maintaining a balanced life.

  1. Stress-Free and Anxiety-Free Life

Migrant women often describe an ideal life as one free from stress and anxiety. They aspire to adapt smoothly to their new surroundings without the constant pressure of cultural adjustment. As an Afghan woman living in Austria shared, “Health and well-being are essential for every human being. People should always try to keep stress away and focus on their well-being.”

  1. Optimal Health and Coping with Adversity

Mental health is seen as a key component of overall health, with many women striving for both physical and psychological well-being. A participant from Iran, now residing in Sweden, emphasized, “Mental health can be considered more important than physical health because if I do not feel good mentally, it affects my physical condition.” Migrant women also value resilience, viewing emotional strength and the ability to handle challenges as essential for successful integration.

  1. Healthy Living and Religious Strength

Many migrant women emphasize the importance of healthy living, which includes eating nutritious foods, exercising, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. These habits are viewed as foundational for a strong mind and body. For some, faith plays a crucial role in maintaining mental health, offering inner strength and a coping mechanism during tough times.

  1. The Role of Inclusion in Mental Health

Inclusion into European society is often seen as essential for good mental health. Many women highlight the importance of mastering the local language and understanding societal norms to reduce isolation and foster a sense of belonging. As one woman from North Macedonia stated, “The feeling of belonging to a community and being accepted is crucial for well-being and self-esteem.”

However, several challenges hinder their successful inclusion and impact their mental health:

  • Language Barriers: Limited language proficiency is the most significant obstacle, affecting communication, confidence, and social integration. A stateless woman in Austria shared, “I faced some difficulties because of the German language, but after learning German, it became better. Life isn’t easy, though.”
  • Employment and Economic Stability: Financial insecurity deeply influences stress levels. Migrant women often struggle with having their professional qualifications recognized, leading to frustration and unfulfilled potential.
  • Cultural Differences and Health Issues: Adapting to new cultural norms, understanding healthcare systems, and dealing with initial health problems compound their difficulties. A woman from Iraq, living in Sweden, described the challenge: “Forming relationships with Swedish people is difficult for someone like me, coming from a society that is completely different from Swedish society.”
  • Confidence and Societal Acceptance: Language barriers and the fear of discrimination often erode confidence and hinder social integration. A woman from North Macedonia noted, “In order to participate in society, you first need to learn the language at an advanced level, and that takes time and patience.”
  1. Coping Mechanisms and Support Networks

Migrant women employ various coping mechanisms to manage stress, such as engaging in physical activities, practicing relaxation techniques, attending courses, and seeking professional help despite the stigma. Social support networks, including family, friends, and community organizations, play a vital role in providing emotional support and a sense of belonging.

As one Ukrainian woman living in Austria shared, “To have good mental health, you always need to find a circle of people with whom you have a connection.” These networks are crucial in helping migrant women navigate the challenges of integration and maintain their mental health in a new and often challenging environment.



Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Co-funded by the EU

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Fremde werden FreundeWhat are the women’s needs?

Sport-Freunde Sommerwoche in Kärnten

Sport-Freunde Sommerwoche in Kärnten – wir freuen uns riesig, denn im Juli sind wir mit Sport-Freunde in Kärnten. Gemeinsam mit dem Mädchenzentrum EqualiZ  bieten wir euch eine Woche voller Programm.

🌞 Sport-Freunde Sommerwoche voller Action mit EqualiZ und Fremde werden Freunde! 🌊🌳

Wir freuen uns darauf, gemeinsam eine Woche voller Sport und Spaß in Kärnten zu erleben. Hier ist unser Programm:


🗓 Montag, 15. Juli

Nur kein Stress Workshop

(Für Personen von 14 – 30 Jahren)

13:00 Uhr

EqualiZ, Karfreitstraße 8, 9020 Klagenfurt


Treffpunkt: EqualiZ um 15:00 Uhr

Bei zu großer Hitze weichen wir auf Tanzen oder Yoga aus


🗓 Dienstag, 16. Juli

Let’s jump

(Für Mädchen* & junge Frauen*)

13:30 Uhr

Trampolinhalle Jump Dome, Magazingasse 14, 9020 Klagenfurt


🗓 Mittwoch, 17. Juli

Wanderausflug mit anschließendem Picknick

Für eine Abkühlung nimm‘ deine Schwimmsachen mit!

Treffpunkt: EqualiZ um 16:00 Uhr


🗓 Donnerstag, 18. Juli


(Für junge Frauen* & Mädchen*)

Burkinis vorhanden!

13:30 Uhr

Strandbad Klagenfurt


Filmeabend mit Popcorn & Drinks (alkoholfrei)

(Für junge Frauen* & Mädchen* ab 14 Jahren)

17:30 Uhr

EqualiZ, Karfreitstraße 8, 9020 Klagenfurt


Alle unsere Angebote sind kostenfrei. Jetzt anmelden und Platz sichern: events@fremdewerdenfreunde.at

Wir danken EqualiZ für die Zusammenarbeit und freuen uns auf eine inspirierende Woche!



Mitmachen kann jede:r – mit Erfahrung und genauso ohne. Denn es geht vor allem darum, Freude zu haben.

Worum geht es genau? Die Sport-Freunde machen gemeinsam Sport. Weil erstens wird so jede:r Einzelne fit und es geht uns besser und außerdem macht es gemeinsam sehr viel mehr Spaß. Und es ist ganz leicht, dadurch neue Menschen kennenzulernen.

Möchtest du  dabei sein? Dann schau dir die nächsten Termine der Sport-Freunde an und komm einfach vorbei oder melde dich bei uns: events@fremdewerdenfreunde.at

Alle Neuigkeiten teilen wir in unserer Freunde WhatsApp-Gruppe

Alle Termine der Sport-Freunde findest du hier: Termine



Unsere Vision ist es, Diversität in allen Bereichen sichtbar zu machen und Potentiale zu stärken. So werden Individuen unterstützt und wir ermöglichen ein gesellschaftliches Miteinander. Denn erst bei Austausch und gemeinsamen Aktivitäten werden Fremde zu Freunden.

Das Projekt “Sport-Freunde” setzt sich für mehr Miteinander im Sport ein. Das machen wir mit gemeinsamen Sportaktivitäten von Menschen mit ganz unterschiedlichen Lebenshintergründen, mit diversen Sportangeboten, Freiwilligenengagement, präventiven psychologische Begleitmaßnahmen & Vernetzung. Wir setzen uns damit für mehr Diversität im Sport und somit in der Gesellschaft ein.


Das Projekt „Sport-Freunde“ wird gefördert aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport.






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Fremde werden FreundeSport-Freunde Sommerwoche in Kärnten

Tayla Myree – Reclaiming Representations am 3. Mai

Tayla Myree – Reclaiming Representations am 3. Mai: As part of the exhibition „fruit, seeds“, Tayla Myree invites you to a tour of „In Your Archives“. Followed by a workshop on May 3 at 6 p.m. in the Volkskundemuseum Wien, Room 8. The event is open to BPOC (Black and People of Color).

Reclaiming Representations invites Black and People of Color to reimigine caricatured representations in Austria and greater Europe  – via a small tour of the work In Your Archives. The tour is followed by a discussion and workshop on how to reimagine representations  – not only in material culture but generally in the Austrian/European context.

Total time for the event should be 2 hours.

The goals of the workshops are to build community with people of color in the Vienna, to imagine how these representations have been challenged and how this work can be continued.


Trigger Warning
This work shows racist depictions of Black people found in Austrian flea markets, antique stores, and thrift stores.

Artist Biography
Tayla Myree is a visual artist and historian based in Vienna, Austria. Her work deals with the politics of memory and identity primarily in relation to Blackness as well as other marginalized identities. She explores these topics through the mediums of film, photography, prose, and sound. Tayla currently holds a Masters Degree in Comparative History from Central European University. She is currently a part of the Video and Video Installation Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.


Tayla Myree – Reclaiming Representations am 3. Mai

Event open to BPOC (Black and People of Color)

May 3rd 2024, 6 pm

Volkskundemuseum Wien, Room 8



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

Artists: Yuliana Pineda, Ariella Bowen, Sedra Hamami, Merit Hanna, Aljeen Hasan, Katherine Duque Leon, Alba Hurtado, Tayla Myree, Moses Omeogo, Banan Sakbani, Ami Siregar, Esmail Sultani

Mentors:  Luna Al-Mousli, Francesca Badea, Olga Belaya, Tonica Hunter, Luciana Matuk, Farila Neshat, Kateryna Orlova-Guzova, Barbara Pacholik, Poonam Krishna Pawar, Natália Polanská

curated by: Tonica Hunter

The exhibition runs until May 3rd at @volkskundemuseumwien


“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

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Fremde werden FreundeTayla Myree – Reclaiming Representations am 3. Mai

Komm zum Freunde-Treff

Komm zum Freunde-Treff: Ab 16. Mai öffnen wir jeden Donnerstag von 12 bis 17 Uhr unsere  Freunde-Salon-Türen für ein vielfältiges Treffen. Ob Nachhilfe, Unterstützung, Projektvorstellungen oder einfach nur gemütliches Spielen und Filme schauen – bei uns ist für jeden etwas dabei.

Komm vorbei, lerne uns kennen, bring deine Ideen ein und werde Teil unserer Gemeinschaft. Alle sind herzlich willkommen!

Komm zum Freunde-Treff

Ab 16. Mai jeden Donnerstag von 12-17 Uhr (außer Feiertag)

Freunde-Salon, Garnisongasse 11, 1090 Wien.


Alle News findest du auch auf Instagram und unserem Blog.

Alle Neuigkeiten teilen wir in unserer Freunde WhatsApp-Gruppe

Wir freuen uns auf dich!


Fremde werden Freunde ist eine Initiative zur gesellschaftlichen Inklusion. Wir sind Menschen, denen Miteinander wichtig ist. Gemeinsam stärken wir sozialen Zusammenhalt und fördern zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement. Deshalb machen wir Dinge gemeinsam. Weil so aus Fremden Freunde werden.



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Fremde werden FreundeKomm zum Freunde-Treff

Neues Erasmus+ Projekt Onshore

Wir haben unser neues Erasmus+ Projekt „ONSHORE – Sensitization as the tool for understanding“ gestartet. Gemeinsam mit dem Bratislava Policy Institute aus der Slowakei und D’ANTILLES ET D’AILLEURS aus Frankreich unterstützen wir Personen und Organisationen, die direkt mit Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationsgeschichte arbeiten.


„ONSHORE“ zielt darauf ab, durch Sensibilisierungstraining und Materialien diese Personen bei Ihrer Arbeit zu unterstützen und im Bereich der Interkulturalität zu unterstützen. Zu den Hauptzielen gehören die Stärkung von Soft Skills und die Förderung langfristiger europäischer Unterstützungsnetzwerke. In der ersten Projektphase führen wir Gespräche mit Expert:innen und Praktiker:inen sowie Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte um mehr über Ihre Bedürfnisse zu erfahren.

In den nächsten Wochen erfährst du hier mehr über das Projekt.


Alle News findest du auch auf Instagram und unserem Blog.

Alle Neuigkeiten teilen wir in unserer Freunde WhatsApp-Gruppe

Wir freuen uns auf dich!


Fremde werden Freunde ist eine Initiative zur gesellschaftlichen Inklusion. Wir sind Menschen, denen Miteinander wichtig ist. Gemeinsam stärken wir sozialen Zusammenhalt und fördern zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement. Deshalb machen wir Dinge gemeinsam. Weil so aus Fremden Freunde werden.


ONSHORE (2023-2-SK01-KA210-ADU-000171093) is co-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme

o-funded by the European Union by the ERASMUS+ programme.



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Fremde werden FreundeNeues Erasmus+ Projekt Onshore

„Mehmooni“: Tales of the revolution

Im Rahmen der Ausstellung „fruit, seeds“ lädt der Verein Javaneh zu einem „Mehmooni“ am 24.4. um 18:00 Uhr im  Volkskundemuseum Wien ein. Javaneh teilt berührende Geschichten aus dem Iran und Afghanistan mit euch. So bekommt ihr mehr Verständnis und Einblicke in verschiedene historische Begebenheiten. Wir laden euch herzlich ein, Zeitzeug:innen der Revolution zuzuhören. Dazu gibt es selbstgemachte Snacks und den Genuss toller musikalischer Einlagen. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt.





„Mehmooni“: Tales of the revolution

24. April 2024 18 Uhr

Volkskundemuseum Wien – im Hofeingang (Durchgangszimmer)

Die Ausstellung „fruit, seeds“ wurde von @tonicahunter kuratiert. Sie findet im Rahmen von AVALON statt: ein Erasmus+ Projekt, das von @fremdewerdenfreunde und dem @bratislavapolicyinstitute durchgeführt wird. Die Ausstellung läuft noch bis zum 3. Mai im @volkskundemuseumwien



„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

Artists: Yuliana Pineda, Ariella Bowen, Sedra Hamami, Merit Hanna, Aljeen Hasan, Katherine Duque Leon, Alba Hurtado, Tayla Myree, Moses Omeogo, Banan Sakbani, Ami Siregar, Esmail Sultani

Mentors:  Luna Al-Mousli, Francesca Badea, Olga Belaya, Tonica Hunter, Luciana Matuk, Farila Neshat, Kateryna Orlova-Guzova, Barbara Pacholik, Poonam Krishna Pawar, Natália Polanská

curated by: Tonica Hunter


“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

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Fremde werden Freunde„Mehmooni“: Tales of the revolution

Studie Inclusive Districts of Democracy

Studie Inclusive Districts of Democracy: Am 9. April haben wir unsere neue Studie zur politischen Beteiligung von Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte präsentiert und diskutiert. Nun ist die ganze Studie abrufbar.

Zur Studie: Inclusive Districts of Democracy Studie

Studie Inclusive Districts of Democracy

Das Projekt „Inclusive Districts of Democracy“ zielt darauf ab, die Beteiligung, politischen Wünsche und Hürden von Beteiligung von Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte in Wien zu erforschen. Die Studie betont die Notwendigkeit, die Demokratie in Wien inklusiver zu gestalten, insbesondere für die wachsende Bevölkerung von Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung, die oft von demokratischen Prozessen wie Wahlen ausgeschlossen sind.

Das Fazit der Studie:

  • Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte sind keine homogene Gruppe: Sie bilden eine vielfältige Gruppe, die sich sowohl in ihrem Herkunftsland als auch in ihrem Engagement für Wien und Österreich unterscheidet. Diese Vielfalt zeigt sich auch in ihrem Informationsverhalten über Politik und Österreich.
  • Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte engagieren sich vielfältig. Drunter ehrenamtliche Arbeit, unkonventionelle Beteiligungsformen und das Teilen politischer Inhalte online. Sie interessieren sich für eine Vielzahl von Themen und wünschen sich eine bessere Möglichkeit zur politischen Mitbestimmung.
  • Es braucht Zeit und eine Perspektive (auf die Staatsbürgerschaft), um sich in Österreich zu integrieren und sich stärker an der Gesellschaft und Politik zu beteiligen. Eine Perspektive auf die Staatsbürgerschaft kann sich positiv auf ihr politisches Engagement auswirken.
  • Sie werden österreichische Geflüchtete, auch schon vor dem Erhalt der Staatsbürgerschaft:  Obwohl das Vertrauen in demokratische Institutionen bei Neuankömmlingen höher ist, gleichen sich ihre Einstellungen im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr denen der Gesamtbevölkerung an. Sie werden zu „österreichischen Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte“, auch bevor sie die Staatsbürgerschaft erhalten haben
  • Mangelnde Repräsentation in Wiens Politik


Unsere Handlungsempfehlungen

  • Erleichterung des Staatsbürgerschaftserwerbs oder erleichterter Zugang zur Wahl
  • Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte bei der politischen Integration Zeit geben
  • Von politischer und zivilgesellschaftlicher Seite frühzeitig auf Menschen mit Fluchtgeschichte zugehen
  • Förderung der politischen Integration
  • Schaffung von Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten jenseits von Wahlen
  • Forschung ausbauen, Forschungsergebnisse in politische Arbeit einbauen und durch Forschung widerlegte Vorurteile bekämpfen


Am 9. April haben wir die Studie präsentiert. Nach der Präsentation der Ergebnisse fand eine Podiumsdiskussion statt, moderiert von Olivera Stajić mit den Gästen Tobias Spöri (Universität Wien, Co-Autor der Studie), Majd Madani, Saya Ahmad (Bezirksvorsteherin Alsergrund).

Fotos der Studienpräsentation findet ihr auf Instagram.


Das Projekt wurde gefördert aus Mitteln der Stadt Wien Kultur

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Fremde werden FreundeStudie Inclusive Districts of Democracy

Opening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung

Opening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung „fruits, seeds“. Wir können es noch gar nicht glauben, aber am 18. April eröffnen wir unsere erste Kunstausstellung im Volkskundemuseum Wien. Die Künstler:innen aus unserem Mentoringprogramm, das wir im Rahmen unseres Erasmus+ Projekts Avalon durchführen, stellen ihre Werke aus. Die Ausstellung läuft von 18. April bis 3. Mai 2024. Die Ausstellung wird kuratiert von Tonica Hunter

Kommt alle!

Opening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung

Opening: 18. April 18 Uhr

Volkskundemuseum Wien, Laudongasse 15-19, 1080 Wien

exhibition opening „fruit, seeds“ – 18th April – entrance Hofeingang

18:00 doors open

opening speeches by Fremde werden Freunde, curator Tonica Hunter, Herbert Justnik (VKM)

Documentary Screening – Avalon Mentoring Project – filmed and edited by Stefan Panfili @stefanpanfili

19:30 performance by Aljeen Hasan & Banan Sakbani „Flucht der Wörter“

20:30 After party with sets by Shi Yin @cncncncncncn  und @luna.almousli

Sideevent: 24.4. Mehmooni

Javaneh Verein: @javaneh.verein veranstaltet “Mehmooni”
24.4. | 18:00 – Hofeingang (Durchgangszimmer)
Round Table (Tee Gespräch) and performances by Avin and Ermia + Catering (Afghanisches Essen)

Sideevent 3.5. „Reclaiming Representations“

mit Tayla Myree – @tayla.myree

3.5. | 18:00 – Room 8
Tour of „In Your Archives“ and workshop
Reclaiming Representations invites Black and People of Color to reimagine caricatured representations in Austria and greater Europe via a small tour of the work In Your Archives followed by a discussion and workshop on how to reimagine representations not only in material culture but generally in the Austrian/European context. The total time for the event should be 2 hours. The goal of the workshops are to build community with people of color in the Vienna, to imagine how these representations have been challenged and how this work can be continued.
Event open to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) only.

Ausstellung: 19. April bis 3. Mai. 10-17 Uhr. Mehr Info & Öffnungszeiten hier: Volkskundemuseum Wien


„fruit, seeds“

„fruit, seeds“ is a multimedia group exhibition by which the artists intentionally locate and expose themselves and their works in the between, the “still fi guring out” and the (un)becoming – a process which requires constant watering, so as to reap what is sown.

“Seed to tree, Tree to forest,
Rain to river, Need to feed,
Creature to teacher,
Teacher to student,
Student to caretaker”
(Extract from Octavia Butler’s “Parable of the Sower”, 1993)

Artists:Y uliana Pineda, Ariella Bowen, Sedra Hamami, Merit Hanna, Aljeen Hasan, Katherine Duque Leon, Alba Hurtado, Tayla Myree, Moses Omeogo, Banan Sakbani, Ami Siregar, Esmail Sultani

Mentors:  Luna Al-Mousli, Francesca Badea, Olga Belaya, Tonica Hunter, Luciana Matuk, Farila Neshat, Kateryna Orlova-Guzova, Barbara Pacholik, Poonam Krishna Pawar, Natália Polanská

curated by: Tonica Hunter


“fruit, seeds” takes place in the framework of the Avalon Mentoring programme, which brings together emerging young artists with established artists and mentors in the cities of Vienna and Bratislava. AVALON is an Erasmus+ Project that Fremde werden Freunde is implementing together with the Bratislava Policy Institute.

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Fremde werden FreundeOpening: Einladung zu unserer Ausstellung